How to find us.
Sands Collision Center is Arizona’s state of art collision facility. We are conveniently located to serve the greater Glendale and outlying areas. Our service centre is easily accessible from the Phoenix-Wickenburg Highway/ NW Grand Avenue not far from Interstate 17.
6596 North 54 Ave
Glendale, AZ 85301
623 842 5259

In Arizona, you have the absolute right to select the collision repair shop of your choice. Nobody can legally force you to use any specific repair shop.
A complete service to take care of you and your vehicle
- Insurance Claim Experts
- Electronic Frame Measuring System
- ASE and I-CAR Certified technicians
- Unibody Frame Correction Equipment
- Downdraft Paint Booth
- Four Wheel Alignment System
- Air Conditioning Service
- Professional Estimating Software
- State of Art Paint Matching System
- Excellent Selection of Rental Vehicles
Qualified Technicians
Sands Collision Center is celebrating its 29th year in business. The reason is simple, QUALITY. With excellence in auto body craftsmanship from our team of I-CAR and GM certified technicians, you can be assured that your vehicle will be returned to it’s factory specifications in fit, finish, and safety. No matter what the make or model, we have the expertise to serve the needs of your valued customers.